Art of Islam

Called the definitive book on Islamic Art by S.H. Nasr, this beautifully illustrated masterpiece published in the U.S. for the first time is presented in a revised, full colour, commemorative edition containing 285 new colour photos and a new Introduction. Burckhardt provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic architecture, from Spain and Morocco to Persia and India and examines Koranic calligraphy and illumination, arabesque, carpets, rugs, Persian miniatures, and much more. The author of more than 22 books, Burckhardt was an expert on Islam, Sufism, and Islamic arts & crafts and worked for many years as a UNESCO expert helping to preserve the historic old city of Fez, Morocco.
Titus Burckhardt, a German Swiss, was born in Florence in 1908 and died in Lausanne in 1984. He devoted all his life to the study and exposition of the different aspects of Wisdom and Tradition. In the age of modern science and technocracy, Titus Burckhardt was one of the most remarkable of the exponents of universal truth, in the realm of metaphysics as well as in the realm of cosmology and of traditional art. In a world of existentialism, psychoanalysis, and sociology, he was a major voice of the philosophia perennis, that “wisdom uncreate” that is expressed in Platonism, Vedanta, Sufism, Taoism, and other authentic esoteric or sapiential teachings. In literary and philosophic terms, he was an eminent member of the “traditionalist” or “perennialist” school of 20th century thinkers and writers.
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